Complete the conversation by choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb. A: You must be Tom s sister, right? B: Yes

  • 14
Complete the conversation by choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb.

A: You must be Tom"s sister, right?
B: Yes, I"m Carla.
A: This club is amazing, isn"t it?
B: Well, it"s alright. I"m not a big fan of the music though.
A: Do you like it?
B: I love it! I"ve never been here before.
A: Neither have I. I don"t go clubbing very often.
B: Oh really? I do. In fact, I usually go every weekend.
A: I didn"t see you at Tom"s birthday party last Saturday. Why didn"t you go?
B: I did go, but my car broke down so I arrived really late.
A: Oh, that"s why I didn"t see you.
B: see you there. I was looking for you all night.

A: That must have been frustrating. Did you have a hard time fixing your car?

B: Yes, it was quite a challenge. I had to call a tow truck and then wait for a mechanic to arrive. It took a while to get it running again.

A: I can imagine. It"s always frustrating when plans don"t go as expected. Did you manage to enjoy the rest of the evening?

B: Thankfully, I did. Once I arrived, I made the most of the time I had left. Better late than never, right?

A: Absolutely! I"m glad you were able to join the party, even if it was late. Next time, let"s hope nothing gets in the way of your plans.

B: Definitely, I"ll make sure to double-check my car before heading out. It was such a fun party, I wouldn"t want to miss out again.

A: That"s a good plan. It"s always better to be prepared. Well, if you ever need a ride to any future events, let me know. I"ll be happy to help.

B: Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I"ll keep that in mind.