Complete the postcard by using words from exercise 1. Hello Sarah, Currently, I am on vacation together with my family
Complete the postcard by using words from exercise 1. Hello Sarah, Currently, I am on vacation together with my family. We have chosen to stay in a cozy little cottage that is situated right next to a lovely beach. Every morning, we have the pleasure of being greeted by the breathtaking view of the sea. Occasionally, we take a short trip to a small island which is just a ten-minute boat ride away. We thoroughly enjoy swimming in the clear waters surrounding it. Just behind our accommodation, there is a spacious playground where my brother finds great joy in climbing. Additionally, there is a river nearby; although I refrain from swimming there due to its extremely cold temperature and strong currents. The town center happens to be four kilometers away from our residence. To reach there conveniently, we make use of the local bus service. Luckily, the bus stop is conveniently located directly across from our house. However, we do have a slight inconvenience to contend with - the presence of a loud and boisterous construction site right next door. This brings about a considerable amount of noise, which we must bear with.
Милочка_1961 20
у нас есть возможность прогулок по живописным лесным тропинкам. Вечерами мы расслабляемся на веранде и наслаждаемся прекрасными закатами, а затем устраиваем уютные посиделки у костра, печем маршмеллоу и играем в настольные игры.Мы очень рады, что выбрали именно это место для нашего отдыха. Наши дни наполнены приключениями и весельем. Я с нетерпением жду, когда смогу рассказать тебе о всех увлекательных моментах нашей поездки.
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