Complete the sentences using expressions from exercise 1. Then ask and answer the following questions with a partner

  • 22
Complete the sentences using expressions from exercise 1. Then ask and answer the following questions with a partner:
1. Are you accustomed to waking up early on weekends?
2. Who do you have the closest relationship with in your family?
3. Did you get a present for your mom last Christmas?
4. What are your plans after finishing school?
5. Will your English skills improve or decline this year?
6. Did you experience any anxiety or were you happy on your first day of school?
7. Do you normally walk to school or do you use another mode of transportation?
Рассмотрим задачу более подробно и пошагово решим ее:

1. В первом предложении мы должны использовать выражения из упражнения 1. Предположим, что в упражнении 1 есть следующие выражения: "get accustomed to", "have a close relationship with", "receive a present", "finish school", "improve skills", "experience anxiety", и "use mode of transportation". Главная идея задачи заключается в том, чтобы использовать эти выражения таким образом, чтобы предложения были правильно и логично составлены.

2. Далее, обратимся к вопросам и ответам, которые нужно задать и дать с партнером. Для каждого вопроса и ответа мы также используем эти выражения из упражнения 1.

Теперь решим задачу:

1. Are you accustomed to waking up early on weekends?
Вы: Yes, I usually wake up early on weekends. I have gotten accustomed to it.

2. Who do you have the closest relationship with in your family?
Вы: I have the closest relationship with my mom. We have a great bond.

3. Did you get a present for your mom last Christmas?
Вы: Yes, I got a present for my mom last Christmas. She was very happy.

4. What are your plans after finishing school?
Вы: After finishing school, I plan to go to university and study medicine.

5. Will your English skills improve or decline this year?
Вы: I am confident that my English skills will improve this year with regular practice.

6. Did you experience any anxiety or were you happy on your first day of school?
Вы: On my first day of school, I experienced a mix of anxiety and excitement.

7. Do you normally walk to school or do you use another mode of transportation?
Вы: I usually walk to school, but sometimes I use public transportation if I"m running late.

Таким образом, мы успешно заполнили предложения и ответили на вопросы, используя выражения из упражнения 1.