Could you please complete this conversation by using verbs in a suitable tense, both active or passive? Cindy and Petra

  • 66
Could you please complete this conversation by using verbs in a suitable tense, both active or passive?

Cindy and Petra are members of a volleyball team.

Cindy: Why wasn"t Clare at the training session?

Petra: Have you not heard? She has been caught stealing.

Cindy: Oh really?

Petra: Yes, she was caught taking money from someone"s bag in the changing room.

Cindy: Who caught her?

Petra: The sports club manager caught her in the changing room when she saw Clare with Karen"s bag.

Cindy: Oh dear. That"s terrible.

Petra: Clare said she was asked to fetch the money by Karen, but when Karen was questioned about it, she said she didn"t know what Clare was talking about.
Cindy: Почему Клэр не была на тренировке?
Petra: Ты не слышала? Ее поймали на краже.
Cindy: О, правда?
Petra: Да, ее поймали за тем, что она взяла деньги из сумки кого-то в раздевалке.
Cindy: Кто ее поймал?
Petra: Менеджер спортивного клуба поймал ее в раздевалке, когда увидел, что Клэр с сумкой Карен.
Cindy: О, бедняжка. Это ужасно.
Petra: Клэр сказала, что ее попросила достать деньги Карен, но когда Карен...