Desired occupation. Despite having gone through several job interviews, none had sparked the same level of desire

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Desired occupation. Despite having gone through several job interviews, none had sparked the same level of desire as this particular one. I had been switching between different jobs for years, unsure of my true calling in life but needing the means to sustain myself. Temporary roles and a handful of so-called permanent positions had come and gone, introducing me to intriguing individuals and allowing me to form some friendships. However, I had yet to discover a role that truly resonated with me. Coincidentally, some of the friends I had made
Desired occupation. Despite having gone through several job interviews, none had sparked the same level of desire as this particular one. I had been switching between different jobs for years, unsure of my true calling in life but needing the means to sustain myself. Temporary roles and a handful of so-called permanent positions had come and gone, introducing me to intriguing individuals and allowing me to form some friendships. However, I had yet to discover a role that truly resonated with me. Coincidentally, some of the friends I had made