Did Cathy bring leaves for show and tell day? What did Matt present to the class? What did Bryan share with the class

  • 39
Did Cathy bring leaves for show and tell day? What did Matt present to the class? What did Bryan share with the class besides the book? Did Joe have something special for his class? What did Keith find near the kids who were lining up and marching?

1. Cathy brought leaves for show and tell day. (Кэти принесла листья на день показов и рассказов.)
2. Matt presented a toy robot to the class. (Мэтт представил классу игрушечного робота.)
3. Bryan shared a collection of seashells with the class besides the book. (Брайан поделился с классом коллекцией морских ракушек помимо книги.)
4. Joe had a pet turtle as something special for his class. (У Джо была домашняя черепаха как что-то особенное для его класса.)
5. Keith found a lost kitten near the kids who were lining up and marching. (Кит обнаружил потерянного котенка рядом с детьми, которые стояли в шеренге и маршировали.)

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