EX4 1. Yusef is planning to visit the chemist s to purchase some aspirin. 2. Edgar and Eileen have intentions to

  • 38
EX4 1. Yusef is planning to visit the chemist"s to purchase some aspirin.
2. Edgar and Eileen have intentions to go to Wales in order to climb Mount Snowdon.
3. My plan is to take my guitar and play folk songs.
4. She aims to save money so that she can go shopping in New York.
5. We are going to visit Yellowstone Park with the purpose of seeing grizzly bears.
6. Chun is planning to buy a motorbike in order to ride through Mongolia.

EX 5 1. I have plans to see my friends this weekend.
2. When this test is over, I am going to do something.
3. Next month, I have intentions of doing something.
4. Tomorrow, I plan to do something.
5. In a year"s time, I am going to do something.
6. When I retire, my plan is to do something.
7. Next Saturday, I have plans to do something.
8. When I get home, I am going to do something.

1. Yusef is planning to visit the chemist"s to purchase some aspirin.
- Юсеф планирует посетить аптеку, чтобы купить аспирин.

2. Edgar and Eileen have intentions to go to Wales in order to climb Mount Snowdon.
- Эдгар и Эйлин намерены отправиться в Уэльс, чтобы взобраться на гору Сноудон.

3. My plan is to take my guitar and play folk songs.
- Мой план - взять свою гитару и играть народные песни.

4. She aims to save money so that she can go shopping in New York.
- Она стремится сэкономить деньги, чтобы сходить пошопиться в Нью-Йорке.

5. We are going to visit Yellowstone Park with the purpose of seeing grizzly bears.
- Мы собираемся посетить парк Йеллоустоун с целью увидеть бурый медведь.

6. Chun is planning to buy a motorbike in order to ride through Mongolia.
- Чун планирует купить мотоцикл, чтобы прокатиться через Монголию.


1. I have plans to see my friends this weekend.
- У меня есть планы повидаться с друзьями на этой неделе.

2. When this test is over, I am going to do something.
- Когда этот тест закончится, я собираюсь сделать что-то.

3. Next month, I have intentions of doing...
- В следующем месяце у меня есть намерения сделать...