Exercise 2. Please rewrite the sentences below by replacing the underlined words with the correct form of the nouns

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Exercise 2. Please rewrite the sentences below by replacing the underlined words with the correct form of the nouns in brackets.

1. Many small (houses) were destroyed.
2. It is autumn, and the (leaves) are falling.
3. There were two important (pieces of news).
4. Why are there three (pairs of pyjamas) on the chair?
5. Several (children) got lost in the forest.
6. I"ve got only two (pieces of luggage).
7. There were four serious car (accidents) this weekend.
8. He can give you lots of important (information).
9. A lot of (people) were unhappy about it.
10. How many (slices of toast) do you want?
11. Let me give you a few (pieces of advice).
12. He"s only five (months) old and he"s already
1. Многие маленькие [дома] были разрушены.
2. Сейчас осень, и [листья] падают.
3. Было две важные [новости].
4. Почему на стуле три [пары пижам]?
5. Несколько [детей] потерялись в лесу.
6. У меня есть только две [штуки багажа].
7. В этом выходном дне произошло четыре серьезные [аварии].
8. Он может дать вам много важной [информации].
9. Многие [люди] были недовольны этим.
10. Сколько [ломтей тоста]?