Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences using the rule of sequencing tenses. · Did he mention that his nephew hasn t started

  • 32
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences using the rule of sequencing tenses.
· Did he mention that his nephew hasn"t started going to school yet because he is too young?
· Was it mentioned that his father used to enjoy parachuting and car racing before?
· Did his cousin mention that he had been collecting badges for years until a certain point in time?
· Did I discover yesterday that I couldn"t do something until a specific moment?
· Did she state that her mother-in-law had never shown any interest in such an unusual activity as embroidering, suggesting it must be a mistake?
· Did it seem that his grandson was present at that moment?
· Was she certain that her father did something until he got married?
· Did my grandfather claim that playing the piano was his lifelong passion?
· Did my uncle indicate that his ancestors did something in the past?
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences using the rule of sequencing tenses.

1. Did he mention that his nephew hasn"t started going to school yet because he is too young?
- Он упомянул, что его племянник еще не начал ходить в школу, потому что он слишком молод.

2. Was it mentioned that his father used to enjoy parachuting and car racing before?
- Было сказано, что его отец раньше любил заниматься парашютным спортом и автогонками.

3. Did his cousin mention that he had been collecting badges for years until a certain point in time?
- Упоминал ли его кузен о том, что он собирал значки в течение многих лет до определенного момента?

4. Did I discover yesterday that I couldn"t do something until a specific moment?
- Вчера я обнаружил, что не мог сделать что-то до определенного момента.

5. Did she state that her mother-in-law had never shown any interest in such an unusual activity as embroidering, suggesting it must be a mistake?
- Она заявила, что ее свекровь никогда не проявляла интереса к такому необычному занятию, как вышивка, что может указывать на ошибку.

6. Did it seem that...
- Казалось ли, что...