Exercise 46. Rewrite the sentences, indicating the grammatical means of forming interrogative sentences. 1. Will

  • 34
Exercise 46. Rewrite the sentences, indicating the grammatical means of forming interrogative sentences. 1. Will he return soon with a rich tribute? (L) 2. Why are we standing here? (Ch.) 3. Where does the glow come from? (L.) 4. And what were you doing in my garden? (P.) 5. What do you suggest doing? (P.) 6. Shouldn"t we talk about clothes first? (Ch.) 7. Don"t you recognize me?
Sure! Here is the step-by-step solution to exercise 46, where you need to rewrite the sentences and indicate the grammatical means of forming interrogative sentences.

1. Will he return soon with a rich tribute? (L)
- Через какое время он вернется с богатым дани?
- Grammatical means: the use of the auxiliary verb "will" at the beginning of the sentence to form a yes/no question.

2. Why are we standing here? (Ch.)
- Почему мы стоим здесь?
- Grammatical means: the use of the question word "почему" (why) at the beginning of the sentence to form an interrogative sentence.

3. Where does the glow come from? (L.)
- Откуда идет это сияние?
- Grammatical means: the inversion of the subject and auxiliary verb "does" in the sentence to form a yes/no question.

4. And what were you doing in my garden? (P.)
- И что ты делал в моем саду?
- Grammatical means: the use of the question word "что" (what) after the conjunction "и" (and) at the beginning of the sentence to form an interrogative sentence.

5. What do you suggest doing? (P.)
- Что ты предлагаешь делать?
- Grammatical means: the use of the question word "что" (what) at the beginning of the sentence to form an interrogative sentence.

6. Shouldn"t we talk about clothes first? (Ch.)
- Разве нам не следует сначала говорить о одежде?
- Grammatical means: the use of the negative question word "разве" (shouldn"t) at the beginning of the sentence to form a negative interrogative sentence.

7. Don"t you recognize him? (Ch.)
- Разве вы не узнаете его?
- Grammatical means: the use of the negative question word "разве" (don"t) at the beginning of the sentence to form a negative interrogative sentence.

These are the rewritten sentences with the indicated grammatical means of forming interrogative sentences. Make sure to review them and understand how each sentence is transformed to ask a question. Let me know if you have any further questions!