Exercise 7. Rewrite the sentences using there was / there wasn t / there were / there weren t / was there / were there

  • 65
Exercise 7. Rewrite the sentences using "there was / there wasn"t / there were / there weren"t / was there / were there / there will be" in their correct form. (Answers will be provided at the end of the exercise).

1. Were there a large number of people attending the parties celebrating the next US President?
2. Were there two possible answers for the question on the test taken yesterday?
3. How many people were present at the wedding ceremony?
4. Was there a terrible storm in Las Vegas yesterday? As a result, there were numerous flight cancellations at the airport.
5. Will there be someone waiting for you when you arrive tomorrow at the airport?
Конечно! Вот подробные ответы на все задания:

1. Было ли много людей, присутствовавших на вечеринках, посвященных следующему президенту США?
- Было ли много людей, присутствовавших на вечеринках, посвященных следующему президенту США?

2. Было ли два возможных ответа на вопрос теста, который мы проходили вчера?
- Было ли два возможных ответа на вопрос теста, который мы проходили вчера?

3. Сколько человек присутствовало на свадебной церемонии?
- Сколько человек присутствовало на свадебной церемонии?

4. Была ли ужасная буря в Лас-Вегасе вчера? В результате было отменено большое количество рейсов в аэропорту.
- Была ли ужасная буря в Лас-Вегасе вчера? В результате было отменено большое количество рейсов в аэропорту.

5. Будет ли кто-то на вечеринке вечером?
- Будет ли кто-то на вечеринке вечером?

1. there were a large number of people attending the parties celebrating the next US President.
2. there were two possible answers for the question on the test taken yesterday.
3. How many people were present at the wedding ceremony?
4. there was a terrible storm in Las Vegas yesterday. As a result, there were numerous flight cancellations at the airport.
5. Will there be someone at the party this evening?

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