Guys! Lexis and Grammar Section Read the text and complete tasks 11-16 Read the text with gaps. Fill in the gaps

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Guys! Lexis and Grammar Section Read the text and complete tasks 11-16 Read the text with gaps. Fill in the gaps by choosing the correct answer from the four options provided. The first person in space was born in the town of Klushino, near the third of their four children. In 1957, he became a pilot. Yuri Gagarin was born 11) ___ Smolensk, on March 9, 1934. 12) ___ parents worked on a farm. Yuri was Gagarin 13) ___ a talented athlete. He played ice hockey to stay in shape. He was a basketball enthusiast and even trained a basketball team. In 1960, Yuri Gagarin was selected along with 19 other cosmonauts for the Soviet space program.
творческими способностями, а также сообразительностью и терпением a group of twenty Soviet Air Force pilots to go through an extensive training program for the first manned space mission. The training included physiological and psychological tests, as well as rigorous physical exercises. The candidates had to endure centrifuge tests, zero-gravity simulation, and parachute jumps.

After months of intense training, Gagarin was chosen to be the first cosmonaut. On April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft, he made history by becoming the first human to orbit the Earth. The entire flight lasted only 108 minutes, during which Gagarin experienced weightlessness and observed the Earth from space. His achievement marked a significant milestone in space exploration and opened the door to further space missions.

11) Варианты ответов:
a) в
b) во
c) из
d) отв

Правильный ответ: a) в

12) Варианты ответов:
a) его
b) их
c) его
d) их

Правильный ответ: d) их

13) Варианты ответов:
a) был
b) имел
c) был
d) имел

Правильный ответ: c) был

Эти ответы выбраны потому что:
- Вариант ответа "в" используется для указания места рождения или принадлежности (из какого города или страны);
- Вариант ответа "их" указывает на родителей Юрия, они были фермерами, поэтому используется множественное число;
- Вариант ответа "был" говорит о прошлом времени и описывает, что Юрий был талантливым спортсменом.

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