Help a) Change the verbs in brackets to the past simple or the past continuous tense. A commercial jet that

  • 14
Help a) Change the verbs in brackets to the past simple or the past continuous tense. A commercial jet that 1) was flying (fly) from Madrid to Paris (make) an emergency landing at Barcelona airport last night. Officials 3) (inform) reporters that smoke (come) from the engine shortly after take-off. The pilot 5) (attempt) to contact air traffic control but was initially unable to do so. At 10:59 pm, he ultimately managed to get through and (inform) them that he 7) (encounter) engine problems. He (land) the plane safely at 11:26 pm. None of the 129 passengers on board were injured or 9) (require) medical assistance.
В задаче нужно заменить глаголы в скобках на глаголы в прошедшем простом или прошедшем продолженном времени. "A commercial jet that 1) was flying (fly) from Madrid to Paris (make) an emergency landing at Barcelona airport last night. Officials 3) (inform) reporters that smoke (come) from the engine shortly after take-off. The pilot 5) (attempt) to contact air traffic control but was initially unable to do so. At 10:59 pm, he ultimately managed to get through and (inform) them that he 7) (encounter) engine problems. He (land) the plane safely at 11:26 pm. None of the 129 passengers on board were injured."

1) A commercial jet that flew from Madrid to Paris made an emergency landing at Barcelona airport last night.
"летел" заменяем на "летел"

2) Officials have informed reporters that smoke came from the engine shortly after take-off.
"информировали" заменяем на "информировали"

3) The pilot attempted to contact air traffic control but was initially unable to do so.
"попытался" заменяем на "попытался"

4) At 10:59 pm, he ultimately managed to get through and informed them that he encountered engine problems.
"сумел" заменяем на "смог"

5) He landed the plane safely at 11:26 pm.
"приземлил" заменяем на "приземлил"

6) None of the 129 passengers on board were injured.
"были" заменяем на "были"