I) Fill in the gaps with words and expressions from the text. 1. He was seriously in trouble. 2. A litigant is a person

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I) Fill in the gaps with words and expressions from the text.
1. He was seriously in trouble.
2. A litigant is a person who initiates legal action.
3. Every citizen in a democratic country may seek the protection of the law.
4. It"s prohibited to drive at high speed. He was ordered by the Court to pay a fine. Are you going to press charges against the company? He was constantly haunted by that nightmare. He demanded $5000 from his employers for the loss of his health at work. an individual has the right to initiate legal proceedings against other citizens. I want to inform you that the witness is quite unreliable.
II) Change the verbs to the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
Then, he was seriously troubled. He litigated, seeking the protection of the law. It was forbidden to drive at high speed. He was fined by the Court. Did you consider pressing charges against the company? He was constantly haunted by that nightmare. He claimed $5000 from his employers for the loss of his health at work. An individual had the right to bring a prosecution against other citizens. I mentioned to you that the witness was quite unreliable.
I) Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями из текста.
1. Он был серьезно в беде.
2. Истец - это человек, инициирующий юридическое действие.
3. Каждый гражданин в демократической стране может искать защиту закона.
4. Запрещено ездить с большой скоростью. Ему было приказано судом заплатить штраф. Вы собираетесь подать иск против компании? Он постоянно мучается этим кошмаром. Он потребовал 5000 долларов от своих работодателей за потерю здоровья на работе. Физическое лицо имеет право инициировать юридические процедуры против других граждан. Я хочу информировать вас, что