Identify (✓) the two accurate sentences and rectify the remaining three. 1. Elite footballers have the potential

  • 59
Identify (✓) the two accurate sentences and rectify the remaining three.
1. Elite footballers have the potential to acquire substantial salaries.
2. He auctioned off his old jacket on ebay and obtained £20 from it.
3. My brother squanders all of his money on utterly pointless items.
4. He earns a considerable amount of money in his new occupation.
5. He allocated half of his pocket money to purchase new trainers.
1. ✔ Elite footballers have the potential to acquire substantial salaries.

2. ✗ He auctioned off his old jacket on Ebay and obtained £20 from it.
✅ He auctioned off his old jacket on Ebay and obtained £20 for it.

3. ✗ My brother squanders all of his money on utterly pointless items.
✅ My brother squanders all his money on completely pointless items.

4. ✔ He earns a considerable amount of money in his new occupation.

5. ✗ He allocated half of his pocket money to purchase new trainers.
✅ He allocated half of his pocket money for purchasing new trainers.

1. ✔ Верное предложение, оно говорит о том, что элитные футболисты имеют потенциал зарабатывать значительные зарплаты.

2. ✗ Небольшая поправка необходима. Вместо "obtained £20 from it" следует написать "obtained £20 for it", чтобы корректно отразить, что старая куртка была продана на Ebay за указанную сумму.

3. ✗ В данном предложении стоит заменить "utterly" на "completely" для более точного выражения, что брат тратит всю свою деньгу на совершенно бесполезные вещи.

4. ✔ Верное предложение, оно говорит о том, что он зарабатывает существенную сумму денег на своей новой работе.

5. ✗ В предложении следует заменить "to purchase" на "for purchasing", чтобы правильно выразить, что половину карманных денег он выделил на покупку новых кроссовок.