III. Rearrange the given words into sentences. Remember the word order in the sentence. 1. The dentist did extract

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III. Rearrange the given words into sentences. Remember the word order in the sentence.
1. The dentist did extract the bad tooth yesterday.
2. My mother did go to the chemist"s to buy the tablets.
3. The doctor did examine my heart and lungs.
4. His wound was very bad.
5. The nurse did begin to take the patients" temperature.
6. Pneumonia did suddenly begin.
7. My stomach did hurt me very much yesterday.
8. She did take the medicine twice a day before meals.
1. Вчера зуб врача был удален.
2. Моя мама сходила в аптеку, чтобы купить таблетки.
3. Доктор осмотрел моё сердце и легкие.
4. Его рана была очень серьезной.
5. Медсестра начала измерять температуру пациентов.
6. Пневмония внезапно началась.
7. Мне очень болел живот вчера.
8. Она принимала лекарство два раза в день перед едой.