Insert the articles a, an, or the. I have a hobby. I enjoy cooking. During my free time, I make cakes and pies
Insert the articles a, an, or the.
I have a hobby. I enjoy cooking. During my free time, I make cakes and pies. It is not difficult to make a pie. Sometimes, my brother helps me. He is a good boy and we get along well with each other. My brother usually goes shopping and buys different things that are necessary for cooking. My cakes are tasty, but I like pies the best. Lavrov.
I have a hobby. I enjoy cooking. During my free time, I make cakes and pies. It is not difficult to make a pie. Sometimes, my brother helps me. He is a good boy and we get along well with each other. My brother usually goes shopping and buys different things that are necessary for cooking. My cakes are tasty, but I like pies the best. Lavrov.
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Задача: Вставьте артикли a, an или the. У меня есть хобби. Мне нравится готовить. В свободное время я делаю торты и пироги. Несложно приготовить пирог. Иногда мой брат помогает мне. Он хороший мальчик, и мы хорошо ладим друг с другом. Мой брат обычно ходит за покупками и покупает разные вещи, необходимые для готовки. Мои торты вкусные, но пироги мне нравятся больше всего.