It is necessary to use the verbs on the right in the appropriate forms. Alice: Hello! I apologize for being late

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It is necessary to use the verbs on the right in the appropriate forms. Alice: Hello! I apologize for being late. Chris: That"s fine. I was browsing the internet anyway. Please sit down for a while. A: I wish I hadn"t hurried so much to get here. Is what you are reading really that interesting? C: I came across information about new disposable coffee cups. A: What? Disposable coffee cups? What could be new about them? C: Have you seen how much trash there is in our park? It"s also on the sides of the road. A: Yes, so what? Some people have the most irritating habit of throwing their cups and packaging right on the ground.
возле мусорных баков. Мне не нравится, что парк и дороги наполнены мусором. C: Well, these new disposable cups are made from biodegradable materials. That means they can break down naturally and won"t harm the environment. A: Oh, that sounds interesting! So, they won"t add to the existing pollution problem? C: Exactly! They are designed to decompose over time, so they won"t end up in landfills or pollute our surroundings. A: That"s a great idea! I hope more people start using these cups instead of the regular ones. C: Me too! It"s vital for us to find sustainable alternatives to reduce waste and protect the planet. A: I agree. It"s our responsibility to take care of the environment, and small changes like using eco-friendly cups can make a big difference. C: Absolutely! Every action counts, and together, we can make a positive impact. A: Thank you for sharing this information, Chris. I"ll definitely spread the word about these new cups and encourage others to use them too. C: You"re welcome, Alice. Let"s do our part in creating a cleaner and greener world.