IV. Change the verbs to the Past Simple Tense. 1. I slept well. 2. The weather was fine. 3. You ate too little

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IV. Change the verbs to the Past Simple Tense. 1. I slept well. 2. The weather was fine. 3. You ate too little. 4. I knew the answer. 5. Their child often fell ill.

V. Create questions to ask your friend about the trip. Rearrange the word combinations. Model: Where/ go - Where did you go? 1. On business, where did you go? 2. Where did you stay? 3. Did you go alone or with a group? 4. How did you travel? 5. Was the food expensive?
IV. Измените глаголы на прошедшее простое время.

1. I slept well.
Я хорошо поспал.

2. The weather was fine.
Погода была хорошей.

3. You ate too little.
Ты съел слишком мало.

4. I knew the answer.
Я знал ответ.

5. Their child often fell ill.
Их ребенок часто болел.

V. Составьте вопросы, чтобы спросить друга о поездке. Переставьте словосочетания.

Модель: Where/ go - Где ты был?
1. On business, where did you go?
В деловую поездку, куда ты поехал?

2. Where did you stay?
Где ты останавливался?

3. Did you go alone or with a group?
Ты поехал один или с группой?

4. How did you travel?
Как ты путешествовал?

5. Was the food expensive?
Была ли еда дорогой?