На каких изображениях географического ландшафта отсутствуют условные знаки?

  • 55
На каких изображениях географического ландшафта отсутствуют условные знаки?
Английская версия: To determine which images of a geographical landscape do not have conventional signs, we first need to understand what conventional signs are. Conventional signs are symbols or icons used on maps or diagrams to represent various features or phenomena. They are essential for understanding and interpreting geographical maps and landscapes.

In most cases, conventional signs are used to represent natural or man-made features such as mountains, rivers, roads, buildings, and vegetation. These signs help convey information about the characteristics and locations of these features on a map or diagram.

Now, let"s look at the images of geographical landscapes you provided. In order to identify whether conventional signs are absent or present, we need to analyze the images and look for any symbols or icons that represent geographical features.

If we do not see any symbols or icons indicating the presence of features such as mountains, rivers, roads, buildings, or vegetation, then we can conclude that the image does not contain conventional signs. However, if we do see these symbols or icons in the image, then it means that conventional signs are present.

To provide a detailed and comprehensive answer for each image, I would need to see the actual images. If you could provide the images, I will be happy to analyze them and indicate which ones have conventional signs and which ones do not.