Please choose the appropriate words from the text provided: the dominant norm, contemporary means of communication

  • 31
Please choose the appropriate words from the text provided: the dominant norm, contemporary means of communication, without a doubt, magazines, norm, commerce, primary reason, advancement, in the future. I am studying English because it is the language of ..., computing, and trade. I would also like to read ..., and literature in the ... . I cannot agree with the claims that either American or British English will become the global ... variant of English. I disagree with the notion that any standard variant will become the world"s primary language. Every country has its own culture: literature, traditions, and customs. In the case of such nations
и its own unique way of using language. While it is true that English is currently the dominant norm in international communication, it is important to recognize that languages evolve and change over time.

One of the primary reasons why I am studying English is because it is the language of commerce and trade. In today"s globalized world, businesses and economies rely heavily on international trade, and English has become the preferred means of communication for conducting business transactions.

Furthermore, English is also widely used in the field of computing and technology. Many programming languages, software applications, and technological innovations are developed and documented in English. Therefore, having a good command of English will be beneficial for me in my future career as well.

In addition to these practical reasons, I am also interested in reading magazines, books, and literature in English. English literature has a rich tradition and offers a wide range of literary works across various genres. Accessing original works in their original language allows for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the author"s intent and artistic expression.

While it is true that American and British English are often seen as the two main variants of English, I believe that the future of English lies in its diversity. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, other varieties of English are also gaining prominence. English is being influenced and adapted by different cultures, resulting in the emergence of new forms and expressions.

Therefore, rather than predicting a single dominant variant, it is more realistic to embrace the idea that English will continue to evolve and adapt to the needs and preferences of its speakers worldwide. The contemporary means of communication, such as the internet and social media, have also contributed to the rapid spread and diversification of English.

In conclusion, the language of commerce, computing, and trade, as well as the availability of rich literary works, are some of the reasons why I am studying English. While there is a dominant norm in international communication, the future of English lies in its diversity and adaptation to various cultures.