Please choose the correct option and translate the text. Typically, when Peter returns home from a trip, he puts

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Please choose the correct option and translate the text. Typically, when Peter returns home from a trip, he puts his passport in his desk drawer, but in January, after a trip to Poland, he placed his passport in the pocket of his overcoat. Two weeks later, he had to fly to Thailand. While packing his bag, he realized that he forgot to jot down the name of the hotel that his company booked for him. He had checked in for his flight online earlier that morning, but he did not have the hotel details. As he was leaving his office, the doorbell rang. It was his taxi for the airport. He grabbed the details of the hotel, closed his bag, and rushed out of the house. He was looking forward to
Думая о том, где он мог оставить записку о названии отеля, Питер вспомнил, что его паспорт остался в кармане пальто. Найдите верное утверждение и переведите текст.

This text describes Peter"s actions when he returns home from a trip. Usually, he puts his passport in the desk drawer, but after a trip to Poland in January, he placed it in the pocket of his overcoat. Two weeks later, he needed to travel to Thailand. While packing his bag, he realized that he forgot to write down the name of the hotel booked for him by his company. Although he had already checked in for his flight online that morning, he did not have the details of the hotel. Just as he was leaving his office, the doorbell rang. It was his taxi for the airport. In a hurry, he quickly grabbed...

Текст описывает действия Питера, когда он возвращается домой после поездки. Обычно он кладет паспорт в ящик письменного стола, но после поездки в Польшу в январе он положил его в карман пальто. Через две недели ему предстояло полететь в Таиланд. Упаковывая свою сумку, он понял, что забыл записать название отеля, в котором его компания забронировала номер. Хотя он уже зарегистрировался на рейс онлайн в тот утро, у него не было данных отеля. Когда он уже собирался выйти из офиса, зазвонил дверной звонок. Был его такси до аэропорта. Спеша, он быстро схватил...