Please read the passage about the television show Last Coffee at the Corner Café and then listen to the interview. Here

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Please read the passage about the television show "Last Coffee at the Corner Café" and then listen to the interview. Here are the key points: Agent Koji had breakfast at the Corner Café yesterday morning at 8:00. At 9:10, he died from consuming poisoned coffee. Detective Lambert interviewed the waitress, Larna Scott.
Утром вчера, агент Коджи пришел позавтракать в кафе "Уголок на улице" в 8:00. В 9:10 он умер от отравленного кофе. Детектив Ламберт провел интервью с официанткой, Ларной Скотт. Важная информация из параграфа о телевизионной передаче "Последний кофе" in уголке кафе: Agent Koji came for breakfast at the cafe "Corner Cafe" at 8:00 yesterday morning. At 9:10, he died after drinking the poisoned coffee. Detective Lambert interviewed the waitress, Larna Scott.