Please rearrange the conversation at the school canteen. 1) Would you like a drink? 2) What kind of juice would

  • 15
Please rearrange the conversation at the school canteen. 1) Would you like a drink? 2) What kind of juice would you like? 3) Can I have a chicken sandwich, please? 4) Would you like cheese on that? 5) Apple juice, please. 6) Sure, no problem. Will that be all? 7) What can I get for you today? 8) No, thank you. 9) I would also like a bag of crisps. 10) A glass of juice, please. 11) Here you go. That"ll be £7.30.
Конечно! Вот переставленный диалог, чтобы он был логичен и понятен:

1) What can I get for you today?
2) Would you like a drink?
3) What kind of juice would you like?
4) A glass of juice, please.
5) Can I have a chicken sandwich, please?
6) Would you like cheese on that?
7) No, thank you.
8) I would also like a bag of crisps.
9) Sure, no problem. Will that be all?
10) Here you go. That"ll be £7.30.

1) Что вы хотите?
2) Вы бы хотели напиток?
3) Какой сок вы бы хотели?
4) Сок из яблок, пожалуйста.
5) Можно мне куриный сэндвич, пожалуйста?
6) Вы бы хотели сыр на курином сэндвиче?
7) Нет, спасибо.
8) Я бы также хотел пакет чипсов.
9) Конечно, без проблем. Всё?
10) Вот, возьмите. Это будет 7,30 фунтов.