Read the email and select the appropriate options. Hello Jessica, I appreciate your email. You inquired about my future
Read the email and select the appropriate options.
Hello Jessica, I appreciate your email. You inquired about my future plans. As I am in my final year of school, I intend to pursue higher education at a university and specialize in modern languages next year. Subsequently, I am likely to seek employment in a different field. I aspire to work as a tour guide and explore various parts of the world. However, after a few years, I will probably return to Britain and establish a permanent residence. It is also possible that my boyfriend and I will eventually decide to formalize our relationship. Then, naturally, we will get married, and I will extend an invitation to
Hello Jessica, I appreciate your email. You inquired about my future plans. As I am in my final year of school, I intend to pursue higher education at a university and specialize in modern languages next year. Subsequently, I am likely to seek employment in a different field. I aspire to work as a tour guide and explore various parts of the world. However, after a few years, I will probably return to Britain and establish a permanent residence. It is also possible that my boyfriend and I will eventually decide to formalize our relationship. Then, naturally, we will get married, and I will extend an invitation to
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Здравствуйте, Jessica!Я ценю ваше письмо и хочу ответить на ваш вопрос о моих планах на будущее. Поскольку я нахожусь в последнем году школы, я намереваюсь поступить в университет и специализироваться на изучении современных языков в следующем году. В дальнейшем, вероятно, я буду искать работу в совершенно другой области. Мне хотелось бы работать в качестве гида и путешествовать по различным уголкам мира. Однако, через несколько лет, вероятно, я вернусь в Великобританию и создам постоянное место жительства. Также есть возможность того, что мой парень и я в конечном итоге решим официально оформить наши отношения.
В данном тексте вам предлагается выбрать правильные варианты ответов. Ответы можно обосновать следующим образом:
1. Which option describes the person"s future plans after finishing school?
Правильный ответ: The person intends to pursue higher education at a university and specialize in modern languages.
2. What do they aspire to work as in the future?
Правильный ответ: They aspire to work as a tour guide and explore various parts of the world.
3. Where do they plan to establish a permanent residence after a few years?
Правильный ответ: They plan to establish a permanent residence in Britain.
4. What is a possibility mentioned regarding their relationship?
Правильный ответ: It is possible that they will decide to formalize their relationship.
Если есть какие-либо вопросы или требуется дополнительное объяснение, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь задавать.