Read the text and choose the words that are suitable in meaning. Circle them. Dima was at the seaside during

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Read the text and choose the words that are suitable in meaning. Circle them. Dima was at the seaside during the summer. He was there with his parents. They lived in a small house. He enjoyed being there. There were many boys and girls there. After breakfast, he played soccer with his dad and new friends. Then he learned how to water ski and found it fun but a little bit scary. After lunch, he relaxed and watched TV. In the evening, he walked with his mom. They talked a lot about their day. Dima loved his vacation at the seaside! Answers: 1. a) a b) an c) the 2. a) their b) his c) her 3. a) at b) in c) on 4. a) joined b) listened c) played
1. c) the - В тексте упоминается "the seaside" (морской побережье), что указывает на конкретное место.
2. b) his - В тексте говорится о том, что Dima был на море со своими родителями ("with his parents").