READING - The no impact family 3 Match sentence halves 1-6 with a-1 1. What do they use to wash their kitchen?

  • 23
READING - The "no impact" family 3 Match sentence halves 1-6 with a-1
1. What do they use to wash their kitchen?
2. How much do they use for sandwiches?
3. What do they not give during Christmas?
4. What do they make themselves?
5. What don"t they eat?
6. Where don"t they go?

a. recycled kitchen paper
b. much washing powder
c. presents
d. strawberry ice cream
e. chicken
f. shopping center
1. What do they use to wash their kitchen? - a. recycled kitchen paper
2. How much do they use for sandwiches? - b. much washing powder
3. What do they not give during Christmas? - c. presents
4. What do they make themselves? - d. strawberry ice cream
5. What don"t they eat? - e. chicken
6. Where don"t they go? - f. shopping center

Они используют переработанную кухонную бумагу для мытья своей кухни (a). Они используют много стирального порошка для бутербродов (b). Они не дарят подарки на Рождество (c). Они делают клубничное мороженое сами (d). Они не едят курицу (e). Они не ходят в торговый центр (f).