Rearrange the letters to form adjectives that describe landscapes. Then identify the corresponding landscape feature

  • 57
Rearrange the letters to form adjectives that describe landscapes. Then identify the corresponding landscape feature for each adjective by circling it. In some cases, both options may be possible. Landscape features Adjectives Nouns 1 tall lriver / rmountain 2 icy rstream / resert 3 narrow rocean / rriver 4 dark ecave / rhore 5 shallow rlake / revalley 6 low rocean / rwaterfall shore / rforest 7 rocky 8 deep rocean / rwaterfall 9 wide rriver / rhill volcano / rwaterfall 10 steep
1. tall - mountain
2. icy - stream / desert
3. narrow - river
4. dark - cave / shore
5. shallow - lake / valley
6. low - ocean / waterfall
7. rocky - shore
8. deep - ocean / waterfall
9. wide - river / hill
10. steep - hill