Recommend names for the possessive forms below: a journey of one mile; a friend belonging to Tom; a detention lasting

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Recommend names for the possessive forms below: a journey of one mile; a friend belonging to Tom; a detention lasting an hour; the Member of Parliament representing the town; the statement made by the union; the government of Britain; a vacation lasting one week; the occasion"s.
Для образования притяжательной формы в английском языке добавляется апостроф + s к существительному. В данном случае мы должны создать такие формы для указанных словосочетаний:

1. a journey of one mile - a mile"s journey
2. a friend belonging to Tom - Tom"s friend
3. a detention lasting an hour - an hour"s detention
4. the Member of Parliament representing the town - the town"s Member of Parliament
5. the statement made by the union - the union"s statement
6. the government of Britain - Britain"s government
7. a vacation lasting one week - a week"s vacation
8. the occasion"s - the occasion"s

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