Revise your vocabulary: fill in the blanks Provide the missing words to complete the sentences. 1. The facility

  • 18
Revise your vocabulary: fill in the blanks
Provide the missing words to complete the sentences.
1. The facility you visit in order to board a plane is known as the
2. The item that must be worn during takeoff is referred to as a
3. The containers used for storing and transporting clothes while on vacation are called
4. The scheduled meals that are consumed at specific times each day are
5. The document that contains your flight and seat numbers is referred to as a
6. The location within the airport where you present your ticket and deposit your luggage is known as
7. The designated area within the airport where passengers wait to board the plane is called the
8. The sizable
1. The facility you visit in order to board a plane is known as the airport. Общепринято называть аэропорт местом, где можно посадиться на самолет и отправиться в путешествие.

2. The item that must be worn during takeoff is referred to as a seat belt. Чтобы быть в безопасности во время взлета, необходимо пристегнуть ремень безопасности.

3. The containers used for storing and transporting clothes while on vacation are called suitcases. Чемоданы являются специальными контейнерами, предназначенными для хранения и транспортировки одежды во время отпуска.

4. The scheduled meals that are consumed at specific times each day are meals. Регулярные приемы пищи на определенное время каждый день называются приемами пищи.

5. The document that contains your flight and seat numbers is referred to as a boarding pass. Билет, который содержит информацию о рейсе и номере места, называется посадочным талоном.

6. The location within the airport where you present your ticket and deposit your luggage is known as the check-in counter. Регистрационный стол, находящийся в аэропорту, является местом, где вы предъявляете билет и сдаете свой багаж.

7. The designated area for passengers to wait before boarding the plane is called the boarding gate. Выделенная зона для пассажиров, где они ожидают посадки на самолет, называется посадочным терминалом.