Sometimes the address is interrupted by other words - sentence elements, then each part of the address is separated

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Sometimes the address is interrupted by other words - sentence elements, then each part of the address is separated by commas according to the general rule. Choose such a sentence (commas are not placed). And speaks so sweetly barely breathing: / My darling, how beautiful you are! .. (I.A. Krylov) "Oh, how you are my friend!" / He said to him, digging around a bug. (I.A. Krylov) You, gracious lord, put yourself in my shoes ... (I.S. Turgenev) Why, oh Lord, does the wicked man not know labor / And the wicked man becomes rich? (D.S. Merezhkovsky) From where does your clever head wander? (I.A. Krylov) Esteemed ladies and gentlemen members of the academic council, allow me, within my rights.
Избегая перечисления запятой соединяются слова, не существующие в сочетании со словами, входящими в однородное сказуемое. Такое использование запятых называются соединительными запятыми. Согласно этому правилу, правильный пример будет:

"From where does your clever head wander?"

Первая часть предложения "From where does your clever head wander?" не содержит сочетаний слов, поэтому запятая не нужна.