Task 2. Rephrase the following sentences using can/could or may/might (or the negative forms): 1. Is it possible

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Task 2. Rephrase the following sentences using can/could or may/might (or the negative forms):
1. Is it possible for us to leave the room? Has the lesson finished?
2. Is it possible for you to do a headstand? - I could do it when I was at school but I may not be able to do it now.
3. He was able to answer the teacher"s questions yesterday but he might not be able to answer the same questions today.
4. There was a lot of noise in the street last night, and I couldn"t sleep.
5. The letters might have been written in this very house.

Task 3. Rephrase the following sentences by writing the appropriate forms for the verbs in brackets in unreal condition:
1. "Are you still considering going on that cruise?" - "It may have been a mistake (may have + past participle)."
Задача 2:
1. Мы можем покинуть комнату? Урок закончился?
2. Ты можешь стоять на голове? - Я мог сделать это, когда учился в школе, но возможно, что сейчас уже не смогу.
3. Он смог ответить на вопросы учителя вчера, но сегодня, возможно, не сможет ответить на те же самые вопросы.
4. Во вчерашнюю ночь было много шума на улице, и из-за этого я не мог заснуть.
5. Письма, возможно, были написаны именно в этом доме.

Задача 3:
1. You mustn"t touch the paintings.
2. You can"t have any more chocolate.
3. I couldn"t find my keys anywhere.
4. We may not have enough time to finish the project.
5. You might not like the taste of this new dish.