Test for Module 8 of the textbook Spotlight 7 English test (7th grade) by Antonina Nikolaevna Shiltsina Published
Test for Module 8 of the textbook "Spotlight 7" English test (7th grade) by Antonina Nikolaevna Shiltsina Published on 31.05.2020 - 16:20 - Shiltsina Antonina Nikolaevna Contains exercises to test vocabulary on the theme "Environmental Issues", transformation and substitution exercises on Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, and a task to create tag questions. Download: Microsoft Office document icon test_7_module_8_spotlight.doc 32.5 KB Preview: Test (Spotlight 7. Module 8) I. Match! 1. scorch a) harmful gases 2. lessen b) document
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Test for Module 8 of the textbook "Spotlight 7" English test (7th grade) by Antonina Nikolaevna Shiltsina*Published on 31.05.2020 - 16:20 - Shiltsina Antonina Nikolaevna*
*Contains exercises to test vocabulary on the theme "Environmental Issues", transformation and substitution exercises on Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, and a task to create tag questions.*
Download: [test_7_module_8_spotlight.doc](link)
Preview: Test (Spotlight 7. Module 8)
I. Match!
1. scorch - a) harmful gases
2. lessen - b) document
*(Continues with other items of the test.)*
Объяснение: В данном задании необходимо соотнести слова с их значениями. Например, слову "scorch" соответствует значение "повреждать огнем". Таким образом, ответы будут следующие: 1 - a, 2 - b.