What is the correct answer for doing something … purpose on by at? What is the correct answer for sleeping … night

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What is the correct answer for doing something … purpose on by at?

What is the correct answer for sleeping … night at on in?

What is the correct answer for There were … people at the open-air concert. only a little only a few not much

What is the correct answer for being born … 1998 on in at?

What is the correct answer for taking something … mistake at on by?

What is the correct answer for Julie works a lot. She … hard. is used to work used to working is used to working?

What is the correct answer for What … she look like? She is kind and helpful. does Jane look is Jane?
1. The correct answer for the first question is "for doing something... purpose". The preposition "for" is used to indicate the purpose or reason for doing something. Example: "I bought this gift for the purpose of celebrating a special occasion."

2. The correct answer for the second question is "at night". The preposition "at" is used to indicate a specific time or point. Example: "I prefer to sleep at night."

3. The correct answer for the third question is "only a few". Here, it means that there were only a small number of people at the open-air concert. Example: "There were only a few people at the concert, so it wasn"t crowded."

4. The correct answer for the fourth question is "in 1998". We use the preposition "in" when referring to a specific year. Example: "I was born in 1998."

5. The correct answer for the fifth question is "by mistake". The phrase "by mistake" is used to indicate that something was done unintentionally or accidentally. Example: "I took the wrong bus by mistake and ended up in the wrong neighborhood."

6. The correct answer for the sixth question is "is used to working". The phrase "is used to + verb(-ing)" indicates that someone is familiar and accustomed to a particular action or situation. Example: "Julie works a lot. She is used to working long hours."

7. The correct answer for the seventh question is "What does she look like?". This question is asking for a physical description of Jane. Example: "What does she look like? She has blonde hair and blue eyes."

I hope these explanations and answers help clarify the use of prepositions and the meanings of the given phrases. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!