What were the English translations for the following phrases: Philippe discovered the thief while he was next

  • 24
What were the English translations for the following phrases: Philippe discovered the thief while he was next to his cousin"s newspaper stand. Philippe identified him as the thief because his photo appeared in the newspapers. In fact, his picture was featured in all of the newspapers being sold by his cousin at that very moment. The square was busy on this hot afternoon. Various stalls were selling chilled beverages and snacks. Individuals were sitting in the shade of the trees along the perimeter. Pigeons could be seen confidently roaming around the benches. Buses with dirty windows were moving around.
Вот английские переводы для следующих фраз:

Philippe discovered the thief while he was next to his cousin"s newspaper stand.
Филипп обнаружил вора, пока находился рядом со стойкой своего кузена с газетами.

Philippe identified him as the thief because his photo appeared in the newspapers.
Филипп идентифицировал его как вора, потому что его фотография появилась в газетах.

In fact, his picture was featured in all of the newspapers being sold by his cousin at that very moment.
Фактически, его фотография была представлена во всех газетах, которые продавал его кузен в это самое мгновение.

The square was busy on this hot afternoon.
Площадь была оживленной в этот жаркий день.

Various stalls were selling chilled beverages and snacks.
Различные прилавки продавали охлажденные напитки и закуски.

Individuals were sitting in the shade of the trees along the perimeter.
Люди сидели в тени деревьев вдоль периметра.

Pigeons could be seen confidently roaming around the benches.
Голуби с уверенностью гуляли возле скамеек.

Buses with dirty windows were.
Автобусы с грязными окнами находились...