Which of these sentences are incorrect? Please correct the incorrect ones. 1 Clara has not only done her homework

  • 22
Which of these sentences are incorrect? Please correct the incorrect ones.

1 Clara has not only done her homework.
2 They have been living here since 2006.
3 I have just watched a great film on TV.
4 My English teacher has just missed the bus.
5 Have you ever been to Italy?
6 Mum has already had her coffee.
7 They have not phoned me since yesterday.
8 I have known him for 5 years.
9 My friend, Nicola, has been to New York.
10 Has the plane not arrived yet?
Конечно, я с радостью помогу! Вот подробный ответ и исправления:

1. Ошибочное утверждение: "Clara has not only done her homework." Оно не полностью сформулировано. Исправление: "Clara has not only done her homework, but also studied for the test."

2. Все верно: "They have been living here since 2006."

3. Все верно: "I have just watched a great film on TV."

4. Ошибочное утверждение: "My English teacher has just missed the bus." Есть несоответствие во временах глаголов. Исправление: "My English teacher just missed the bus."

5. Все верно: "Have you ever been to Italy?"

6. Ошибочное утверждение: "Mum has already had her coffee." Здесь используется неправильный порядок слов. Исправление: "Mum has had her coffee already."

7. Все верно: "They have not phoned me since yesterday."

8. Все верно: "I have known him for 5 years."

9. Все верно: "My friend, Nicola, has been to New York."

10. Ошибочное утверждение: "Has the plane not arrived yet?" Исправление: "Hasn"t the plane arrived yet?"

Надеюсь, это поможет разобраться и понять, какие предложения являются правильными, а какие нуждаются в исправлении. Если у вас возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь спрашивать.