Which option is correct? (15 marks) 1 Is the cat climbing the tree or climbing up the tree? 2 Is Damir sitting in front

  • 54
Which option is correct? (15 marks)
1 Is the cat climbing the tree or climbing up the tree?
2 Is Damir sitting in front of Kairat or sitting behind Kairat?
3 Is Aizhan the girl on the left or the girl on the right?
4 Are Assel"s toys in the box or down the box?
5 Is Sandra standing under Ian and Jessica or standing between Ian and Jessica?
6 Is the park near my house or next to my house?
1. Is the cat climbing the tree or climbing up the tree?
The correct option in this case would be "Is the cat climbing up the tree?" The word "up" indicates the direction in which the cat is climbing. By using the word "up," we can clearly understand that the cat is moving in an upward direction on the tree.

2. Is Damir sitting in front of Kairat or sitting behind Kairat?
The correct option in this case would depend on the perspective we are considering. If we are viewing the situation from behind Kairat, then Damir would be sitting in front of Kairat. On the other hand, if we are viewing the situation from in front of Kairat, then Damir would be sitting behind Kairat. So, it is important to clarify the perspective in order to determine the correct option.

3. Is Aizhan the girl on the left or the girl on the right?
The correct option in this case would depend on the context or the reference point being used. If we are referring to the left or right side of a specific person or object, then it would be important to mention that person or object. Without any reference point, it is not possible to determine whether Aizhan is the girl on the left or the girl on the right.

4. Are Assel"s toys in the box or down the box?
The correct option in this case would be "Are Assel"s toys in the box?" The word "in" indicates the location of the toys, implying that they are inside the box. On the other hand, the word "down" does not accurately describe the location of the toys.

5. Is Sandra standing under Ian and Jessica or standing between Ian and Jessica?
The correct option in this case would be "Is Sandra standing between Ian and Jessica?" This indicates that Sandra is positioned in the middle of Ian and Jessica. On the other hand, the word "under" implies that Sandra is below or beneath Ian and Jessica, which may not accurately describe the situation.

6. Is the park near my house or next to my house?
The correct option in this case would depend on the specific location of your house. If the park is located in close proximity to your house, but not necessarily adjacent to it, then the correct option would be "Is the park near my house?" On the other hand, if the park is located adjacent to your house, then the correct option would be "Is the park next to my house?" It is important to consider the relative distance and position in order to determine the most accurate option.