Worksheet on past simple: positive, negative, and question forms • Transform the following sentences into the past

  • 37
Worksheet on past simple: positive, negative, and question forms

• Transform the following sentences into the past simple tense.

1. Did he go to bed early?
2. Did we not like onions?
3. Did Stewart live in Vancouver?
4. Did she exercise?
5. Did I hate cooking?
6. Did they play video games?
7. Did he know the answer?
8. Did I forget his name?
9. Did they not study history?
10. Did they drive?
11. Did Jenny work at a hotel?
12. Did you swim?
13. Did we not like the movie?
14. Where did you live?
15. Did they not drink soda?
16. Did they start class at 8:00?
17. Did he eat breakfast in London?
18. Did I not go to the party?
Worksheet по прошедшему простому времени: положительные, отрицательные и вопросительные формы. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в прошедшее простое время.

1. Did he go to bed early?
- Он лег спать рано.

2. Did we not like onions?
- Мы не любили лук.

3. Did Stewart live in Vancouver?
- Стюарт жил в Ванкувере.

4. Did she exercise?
- Она занималась физическими упражнениями.

5. Did I hate cooking?
- Я ненавидел готовить.

6. Did they play video games?
- Они играли в компьютерные игры.

7. Did he know the answer?
- Он знал ответ.

8. Did I forget his name?
- Я забыл его имя.

9. Did they not study history?
- Они не учили историю.

10. Did they drive?
- Они ездили на машине.

11. Did Jenny work at a hotel?
- Дженни работала в отеле.

12. Did you swim?
- Ты плавал(а)?

13. Did we not like the movie?
- Нам не понравился фильм.

14. Where did you live?
- Где ты жил(а)?

15. Did they not drink soda?
- Они не пили газировку.

16. Did they start class at 8:00?
- Они начали занятия в 8:00.

17. Did he eat breakfast?
- Он завтракал.