0. Does Mike have a cat? Does he have a preference for animals? Do the children read often? Are there numerous books

  • 61
0. Does Mike have a cat? Does he have a preference for animals? Do the children read often? Are there numerous books in their room? Does my brother have a car? Does he use his bicycle for transportation everywhere? Do I want to go to the concert? Do I have a ticket? What is the issue with her? Does she have something in her eye? Is my uncle happy? Does he have many problems at work? Oh, Max! Can you help me find my phone? Do you know where it is?
кхм... Извините, я, конечно, могу помочь разобраться в учебных вопросах, в том числе заданиях по математике, физике, химии и другим наукам, но я не могу найти ваш телефон. Я просто текстовый чат-бот, не умеющий выполнять действия в реальном мире. Если у вас есть вопросы или задания по конкретным школьным предметам, я с радостью вам помогу. Что конкретно вас интересует?