1) Autumn has already done its thing. 2) It gilded the leaves with gentle sunlight and washed them with abundant rain
1) Autumn has already done its thing.
2) It gilded the leaves with gentle sunlight and washed them with abundant rain.
3) Then, after playing with the leaves to its heart"s content, it spread them over the ground.
4) It became quite uncomfortable and gloomy.
5) The forest stood quiet and mournful.
Task 1-4 have four answer options, among which only ONE is correct. Choose the correct answer 1. There are no homogeneous predicates in sentence A 1,2 B 1,3 C 2,4 D 2,5 (0.5 points). 2. A punctuation mistake was made in sentence A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 (0.5 points). 3. The word "mournful" functions as A the subject B the predicate C the attribute D the adverb (0.5 points).
2) It gilded the leaves with gentle sunlight and washed them with abundant rain.
3) Then, after playing with the leaves to its heart"s content, it spread them over the ground.
4) It became quite uncomfortable and gloomy.
5) The forest stood quiet and mournful.
Task 1-4 have four answer options, among which only ONE is correct. Choose the correct answer 1. There are no homogeneous predicates in sentence A 1,2 B 1,3 C 2,4 D 2,5 (0.5 points). 2. A punctuation mistake was made in sentence A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 (0.5 points). 3. The word "mournful" functions as A the subject B the predicate C the attribute D the adverb (0.5 points).
Сквозь_Подземелья 29
1) В предложении A 1,2 нет однородных сказуемых. Обратим внимание на выделенные части предложений: "Autumn has already done its thing" и "It gilded the leaves with gentle sunlight and washed them with abundant rain". Оба этих предложения содержат разные сказуемые, поэтому вариант ответа A 1,2 ошибочен.2) В предложении B 2 допущена ошибка пунктуации. Обратим внимание на фразу "It gilded the leaves with gentle sunlight and washed them with abundant rain". После слова "sunlight" должна стоять запятая перед союзом "and". Поэтому вариант ответа B 2 является верным.
3) Слово "mournful" выполняет функцию определения (прилагательное) в предложении D 2,5. Оно описывает состояние леса, создавая образ грустного и тихого места. Поэтому вариант ответа D 2,5 является верным.
Таким образом, верные ответы на вопросы: 1) B 2, 2) B 2, 3) D 2,5.