1. Citizens who follow the law break rules, (obey) - Citizens who obey the law do not break rules. 2. My interest lies

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1. Citizens who follow the law break rules, (obey) - Citizens who obey the law do not break rules.
2. My interest lies in the field of constitutional law, (international) - My interest lies in the field of constitutional law, specifically international law.
3. The government implements policies to regulate the economy, (manage) - The government manages the economy by implementing policies.
4. The judge"s decision was based on solid evidence, (influenced) - The judge"s decision was not influenced by any external factors and was based solely on solid evidence.
5. The committee reached a consensus on the proposed reforms, (disagreement) - There was no disagreement among the committee members, and they reached a consensus on the proposed reforms.
6. Civil liberties are protected by the constitution, (threatened) - The constitution guarantees the protection of civil liberties and ensures that they are not threatened.
7. The legislative branch makes laws, (enacts) - The legislative branch enacts laws by making and passing them.
8. The judicial branch interprets the laws, (decides) - The judicial branch decides on the interpretation of laws in legal cases.
9. The executive branch enforces the laws, (carries out) - The executive branch carries out the enforcement of laws and ensures their implementation.
10. The legal system upholds justice, (ensures) - The legal system ensures the upholding of justice and fairness in society.
11. The attorney presented a compelling argument in court, (persuasive) - The attorney"s argument in court was persuasive and convincing.
12. The jury deliberated before reaching a verdict, (considered) - The jury carefully considered the evidence and arguments before reaching a verdict.
13. The defendant was found guilty of the crime, (innocence) - The defendant"s innocence was refuted, and they were found guilty of the crime.
14. Precedents are important in the legal system, (established) - Precedents are established legal decisions that serve as a guide for future cases in the legal system.
15. The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant, (initiated) - The plaintiff initiated legal proceedings by filing a lawsuit against the defendant.

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