1. Does Mike fly or does he flies his kite on windy days? 2. Do the children play or does he plays in the park

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1. Does Mike fly or does he flies his kite on windy days?
2. Do the children play or does he plays in the park on Saturdays?
3. Does he ride or does he rides his bike to school every morning?
1. When we want to talk about present tense actions in English, we need to use the correct form of the verb for the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Mike." The correct form of the verb "fly" in the third-person singular (he, she, it) in the present tense is "flies." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "Does Mike fly his kite on windy days?"

2. Similar to the previous question, when we talk about more than one person or a plural subject, we use the base form of the verb (play) without adding an "s" at the end. So, the correct sentence would be: "Do the children play in the park on Saturdays?"

3. In the present tense, when we talk about a singular subject (he) in the third-person singular, we need to add an "s" to the base form of the verb (ride). Therefore, the correct sentence is: "Does he ride his bike to school every morning?"

Remember that the first and second-person subjects (I, you, we, they) do not require any changes to the base form of the verb in the present tense.