1) What activity involves jumping out of a plane? S... d... 2) What activity involves jumping off a cliff or bridge?

  • 55
1) What activity involves jumping out of a plane? S... d...
2) What activity involves jumping off a cliff or bridge? b... ...
3) What activity do adventurous people enjoy? S...
4) What hobby is for people who enjoy collecting a lot of the same thing? C... t...
5) What activities are enjoyable for artistic individuals? d ... and p...
6) In what type of location do you engage in rock climbing? r... C...
7) What do you need to see underwater while swimming? g...
8) What do players do with the ball in football? k...
9) On what type of surface are football and cricket played? p...
10) What equipment is needed to play volleyball?
activity involves hitting a small ball into a series of holes using a golf club? G...