1. don t worry, miss. The garden looks terrific with all the rose bushes. a) are being planted b) were being planted

  • 26
1. don"t worry, miss. The garden looks terrific with all the rose bushes. a) are being planted b) were being planted c) have been planted d) had been planted
2. Is everything ready in the rooms? -- Not yet, sir. The windows a) are still being cleaned b) were still being cleaned c) has been cleaned d) had been cleaned
3. When we arrived, only half of the job had been done on the fence around the cottage. a) is being painted b) was being painted c) has been painted d) had been painted
4. John still hasn"t finished his novel. The last.
paragraph a) is still being written b) was still being written c) has been written d) had been written

1. Ответ: c) have been planted
Обоснование: Предложение "The garden looks terrific with all the rose bushes" указывает на то, что розовые кусты уже посажены и сейчас находятся в состоянии, где они уже заросли. Фраза "The rose bushes have been planted" подходит лучше всего, чтобы описать текущее состояние.

2. Ответ: a) are still being cleaned
Обоснование: Фраза "Not yet, sir" указывает на то, что окна всё ещё находятся в процессе очистки. Фраза "The windows are still being cleaned" отражает это текущее действие на момент разговора.

3. Ответ: d) had been painted
Обоснование: Фраза "When we arrived, only half of the job had been done on the fence around the cottage" указывает, что на момент прибытия только половина работы по окрашиванию забора уже была сделана. Фраза "The fence had been painted" отражает это прошедшее действие к моменту прибытия.

4. Ответ: a) is still being written
Обоснование: Фраза "John still hasn"t finished his novel" указывает на то, что роман все еще находится в процессе написания. Фраза "The last paragraph is still being written" лучше всего описывает текущее действие, которое все еще продолжается в настоящее время.