1. Having lived in that country all his life, he knew it very well. 2. Having arranged everything, he went abroad
1. Having lived in that country all his life, he knew it very well.
2. Having arranged everything, he went abroad on holiday.
3. The steamer, now being unloaded by the workers, will leave the port in three days.
4. Having been checked with great care, the composition didn"t contain any errors.
5. These machines will be sent to the plant being constructed in Africa.
6. This plant will produce the new type of machine tools currently being imported from abroad.
7. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south, she decided to spend her holiday in Spain.
8. Having been seriously wounded three times, he
2. Having arranged everything, he went abroad on holiday.
3. The steamer, now being unloaded by the workers, will leave the port in three days.
4. Having been checked with great care, the composition didn"t contain any errors.
5. These machines will be sent to the plant being constructed in Africa.
6. This plant will produce the new type of machine tools currently being imported from abroad.
7. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south, she decided to spend her holiday in Spain.
8. Having been seriously wounded three times, he
Щелкунчик 54
1. Поскольку он прожил всю свою жизнь в этой стране, он знал ее очень хорошо.2. Когда все было организовано, он уехал за границу на отдых.
3. Пароход сейчас разгружается рабочими и покинет порт через три дня.
4. После тщательной проверки, сочинение не содержало никаких ошибок.
5. Эти машины будут отправлены на строящийся завод в Африке.
6. Этот завод будет производить новый тип станков, который на данный момент импортируется из-за рубежа.
7. После того, как врач порекомендовал ей отправиться на юг, она решила провести отпуск в Испании.
8. Получив серьезные ранения