1- Identify the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1. My mother adores very expensive contemporary art pieces
1- Identify the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1. My mother adores very expensive contemporary art pieces. 2. I find it a bit challenging to get the colors right. 3. I believe Erden Telemisov is truly brilliant. 4. I have made a few mistakes because I drew it rather quickly. 5. Attempting to paint like Van Gogh is extremely difficult. 6. It is quite challenging to create something that others appreciate.
2- Pair the words and expressions that have the same meaning. 1. demolish - destroy completely 2. take a look at - examine 3. take
2- Pair the words and expressions that have the same meaning. 1. demolish - destroy completely 2. take a look at - examine 3. take
Letayuschaya_Zhirafa 56
a glance at - briefly look at 4. talented - gifted 5. complicated - complex 6. easy - simple1. My mother adores very expensive contemporary art pieces.
Правильное слово: обожает
2. I find it a bit challenging to get the colors right.
Правильное слово: вызывает трудности
3. I believe Erden Telemisov is truly brilliant.
Правильное слово: считаю
4. I have made a few mistakes because I drew it rather quickly.
Правильное слово: сделал
5. Attempting to paint like Van Gogh is extremely difficult.
Правильное слово: попытка
6. It is quite challenging to create something that others appreciate.
Правильное слово: сложно
Сопоставление слов и выражений с одинаковым значением:
1. demolish - destroy completely
Правильное сочетание: разрушить полностью
2. take a look at - examine
Правильное сочетание: рассмотреть
3. take a glance at - briefly look at
Правильное сочетание: бегло взглянуть на
4. talented - gifted
Правильное сочетание: талантливый
5. complicated - complex
Правильное сочетание: сложный
6. easy - simple
Правильное сочетание: легкий