1. Is she still hesitating whether to continue the experiments or not? 2. Where does she usually paint pictures?

  • 63
1. Is she still hesitating whether to continue the experiments or not?
2. Where does she usually paint pictures?
3. Which languages do you speak?
4. What does my mother do every day?
5. Are you telling a lie now?
6. What do they usually have for supper?
7. Who is listening to the radio now?
Конечно! Давайте разберем каждый вопрос по порядку:

1. Is she still hesitating whether to continue the experiments or not?
- Она все еще колеблется, продолжать ли эксперименты или нет?

2. Where does she usually paint pictures?
- Где она обычно рисует картинки?

3. Which languages do you speak?
- На каких языках ты говоришь?

4. What does my mother do every day?
- Что делает моя мама каждый день?

5. Are you telling a lie now?
- Ты сейчас лжешь?

6. What do they usually have for supper?
- Что они обычно едят на ужин?

7. Who is listening to the radio now?
- Кто сейчас слушает радио?