6 Identify the phrases used by the writer to convey their viewpoint in the model in Example 2. Substitute them with

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6 Identify the phrases used by the writer to convey their viewpoint in the model in Example 2. Substitute them with other suitable expressions from the Useful Language box.

7 Employ expressions from the Useful Language box to elaborate on the prompts and express a personal perspective.

1 In my viewpoint, it is essential for parents to establish a strong friendship with their children.
2 It is preferable for children to grow up in rural areas.
3 Establishing eye contact is of utmost importance during a conversation.
4 Each individual requires a close companion.
1 Из моего взгляда, важно, чтобы родители устанавливали крепкую дружбу со своими детьми.
2 Желательно, чтобы дети выросли в сельских районах.
3 Установление визуального контакта имеет важное значение во время разговора.
4 Каждому человеку необходим близкий компаньон.