B) Reread the article and fill in the sentences. Put yourself in Nick s shoes and use the words in the provided word

  • 32
B) Reread the article and fill in the sentences. Put yourself in Nick"s shoes and use the words in the provided word box to discuss your hobby with the class. 1 Nick"s fascination with UFO hunting stems from 2 Most of his fellow members in the UFO club primarily 3 During their outings, they always carry along 4 Should you decide to pursue UFO hunting, it is essential to have
1. Увлечение Ника охотой за НЛО вытекает из...
2. Большинство его товарищей по клубу НЛО в основном...
3. Во время их поездок они всегда берут с собой...
4. Если вы решите заняться охотой на НЛО, очень важно иметь...