Complete the paragraph with the correct prepositions after the verbs. Sarah is never alone. She is always surrounded

  • 13
Complete the paragraph with the correct prepositions after the verbs. Sarah is never alone. She is always surrounded by her friends. She cares for them a lot, and she always insists on buying them expensive birthday presents. But her younger sister, Liz, hasn"t learned from her example: Liz doesn"t believe in having so many friends. She prefers books to people.
Очень хорошо! Вот полное решение вашей задачи:

1. Sarah is never alone. She is always surrounded by her friends. (Объяснение: глагол "surround" требует после себя предлог "by".)
2. She cares for them a lot, and she always insists on buying them expensive birthday presents. (Объяснение: глагол "care" требует после себя предлог "for". Глагол "insist" требует после себя предлог "on".)
3. But her younger sister, Liz, hasn"t learned from her example: Liz doesn"t believe in having so many friends. (Объяснение: используется предлог "from" после глагола "learn". Предлог "in" используется для выражения веры или убеждений в этом контексте.)

Надеюсь, эти объяснения помогут вам лучше понять применение предлогов в данной задаче. Если у вас возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать их.